Sunday, February 19, 2023

Chewy Chews (Dec24)

That’s a surprise down there. VERY Singaporean. Chewy Chews, huh? Check the franchise next time yr passing, likely it’s same guy who does the massage chairs beside the escalators in the malls here, the candy-coloured office pods with wifi/print/scan near the pissoires at the train stations. There’s a pavement OJ machine with greenish fruit stacked behind the plastic everywhere on the streets here. Convenience galore. Presumably the machine first pierces the orb, then crushes the FFF outta it and the juice collects in vacuum seal styrofoam, sheathed straw beside the smiley. Forget how much, $5 - 6+ likely. Nutrition details, sun-kissed goodness; &etc. Dads show toddlers how to operate. See, the coins go in the slot, here. On yr tippy toes. Notes, here. Don’t get yr fingers caught… Gives them a head start on competitors in the select schools too. Vitamins loaded for growing tots. Might be a tune laid on to cover the grinding/whirring within. Catty Helen in the front room in the house gets her feed from a boutique supplier who sources in Belgium. Discerning & responsible owners would never stoop to those Chewies from dispenser malarkey. Looking forward to a Prof. of Life Writing at East Anglia shortly about to publish a book on the cat craze of the early C21st. No great mystery: gotta get yr loving where you can. Gimme some lovin’. Gimme some lovin’. EVE—RY day IJOOZ. Took a closer look yesterday at Peace Centre, Selegie Road. Thought it might have had a third O, but no. Robotics raging here like wildfire, teeming like the monsoonal rains. The corporates have been programming the workforces some decades here. Lad was just filling her up at Selegie, fairly flinging pairs of the orbs into the upper shelf of the unit, good half of ‘em green. On what they was payin’ him, you could forgive. Matter of time before someone loads it up with grenades & clusters, esp with all the horrors on the screens.

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