Monday, January 17, 2022

Prime Corner Location


Immediately adjacent is the bank on the corner, the supermarket diagonally opposite and bus stops on the other side of the street. The planned new shopping precinct where Forges had been sited since before Federation had stalled well before Covid. Despite the locks and hoardings the street people found access somewhere from the rear. Faisal said Linda had been found up in the laneway, but later the Tamil Fijian maintained it had been in that large space with the earthen floor behind the locked front doors. Faisal said an OD, while the Fijian had heard a fire had been lit and perhaps smoke inhalation. Thinking further the latter agreed smoke was unlikely there with the wide opening behind. Though no one on the street corroborated, the Fijian was adamant two Sudanese had died together with Linda. Faisal re-enacted Linda’s attempted snatch of a fifty at his front counter a few months before, his rapid clasp of her wrist and his warning, Linda’s disclaiming and then her dance steps with the undulating arms both sides like the Hindu goddesses. That was Linda alright.

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