Friday, March 13, 2020


On the dining-room table now the whip-cracking Buddhist handyman with the mantra tattooed on his shoulder has placed a large, gold-coated Buddha with a couple of smaller figures flanking. The pieces face the door to his and his TCM wife’s room. For the rest of us in this pandemic we have Gautama’s backside for helping us get through, Helen the JW Catlady suggested the other day. Young Jordan the waiter at Al Azhar reminded that while there were so many infected here—until the explosion in Italy and Iran the biggest cluster outside China—there had been no deaths in the republic. The point must have been doing the rounds in the media as same again came later that day from the Fruiterer uncle by the Haig bus stop. Somehow the man had guessed the author would away soon, fleeing from the virus no doubt, he must have surmised. Only thing he wanted to point out, it was here in this country and nowhere else that there were no deaths. Everywhere dead, dead. No Singapore. I tell you true. (You shouldn’t have replied that it was “coming soon.”) Worse than that virus was the political one on the other side of the Causeway continuing apace, virulent as nobody’s business. By large-scale treachery and opportunism, careerism and deal-making, the frauds, cheats and likely killers of the earlier regime have managed to get back in the saddle after having been ousted twenty months before in one of the globally significant people’s democratic revolutions. Despite the gerrymander, money politics, all kinds of manipulation and intimidation, a non-race-based reformist coalition had triumphed, only to now be cut off at the knees. Chief thief, the disgraced and widely condemned former PM, has been before the courts almost the whole of the twenty months, defended by one of his main partners in crime, who has used various delaying tactics to save both their dirty, stinking asses. Now further delay again after fears all the lawyers in the defence team might have become infected, following a visit to a mosque no doubt. If there is any justice in this world, hopefully a good proportion of the notorious gang might be hoist on their own petard, and, beautiful irony, we would have the Chinese, who have been shamefully vilified for the entire twenty months, to thank for cleaning out at least one pocket of toxic contagion.

Albeit tilting at windmills, the battle has been engaged on the Comments pages of Malaysiakini. A brief selection from the last seven months here, —most recent going backward:

Shocking travesty!
Plummeting straight to the bottom.
What a gallery of rogues and woeful blunderers. Traitors rewarded.
Most of them belong in the Roman Senate beside Caligula’s horse.
Story: Azmin’s camp in the cabinet: All except deputy speaker Rashid Hasnon

Stop it please editors with these smiling pictures of these goons. You are abetting the front they are presenting. Surely you can understand! No more. Pictorial truth is part of the journalistic ethic!
Story: Khat: Since when does PTA decide syllabus? Umno chief asks

Very disappointing to hear.
Story: Minister: Malays compromised too much with ‘racists’, time to rise up

The trick is to track the funds flowing to the phalanx of lawyers he is currently employing. Shafee must work to save his own hide in this employ gratis, but the others will need funds sooner or later. THERE is the opportunity to uncover the bolthole. (The lawyers who have recently been reported to have gone missing from his troops must have given up on his promises. Very hard to pay them when the eagle eyes are out watching every move.) For all of us impatient for this slow-moving wheel of justice to turn we must take some solace from the nervous panic that has been set off in the camp of the thieving devils.
Story: Najib says IRB taxed him RM1.69 for a donation, wants reassessment.

Yes indeed, let’s have the police personnel who attended at the time verify this.
Self-serving lies. Desperate lies.
Of course he will not testify in court in the current case. Never met Jho Low. But somebody used his phone to ask Jho for the plastic to be topped up. A circus this procedure. Hopefully appeals and further legal extenuation fails to extend this mockery.
Story: ‘In sniper’s crosshairs’ - Najib shares bullet hole photo after accused of lying

And the unspeakable arrogance in the photograph in this case is appropriate editors! Job well done.
Story: Najib’s son Nazifuddin targeted in RM37.6m tax suit.

Like the Arab donor for a leader upholding Islam, evidence of the police report in this case cannot be revealed because of sensitivity.
Lies & manipulation continue from the man during whose tenure murders and disappearances were common (and murders where attempted disappearances failed).
Filthy liar. A disgrace to nation and religion.
Story: Najib: Sniper fired shots at my Pekan office in 2017

The infamous thief and hotshot Shafee “packing their pants” (as we boys used to say many decades ago in another country—and also to avoid an indecent rhyme); a wonderful prologue to the main act when this Sri Ram pounds the fiends into the dust, insha’Allah!
Story: Najib again fails to disqualify Sri Ram in 1MDB cases

The smiles are all desperate strategy. Please, no more of the big smiling frontal shots for the photos covering these court episodes. Only the vulpine portraits, as you have used in the earlier segment today. It is the truth we are seeking, both in the court & yr reporting. No duping. Makasih.
Story: Husni: Najib blocked me from recovering frozen funds in Switzerland

With Islam under ignorant attack from so many sides, when the counter-attack is so prevalent, wonderful to hear such a thoughtful and intelligent response.
Story: Daim: M’sians need empathy, not racial and religious superiority

These horrid photos you use MLkini more appropriate for TV infotainment. We have serious matters at stake here. Terribly poor junior grade journalism.
Story: Mahathir: Palace decided on Najib’s seat, not me

These nitwits are everywhere. Let’s not imagine this is a uniquely Malaysian shame and overreact.
Story: PKR senator’s remarks plunge a knife into the Reformasi agenda

How can the man be removed from public office? Perhaps export him to the States, where the leader over there might make a special exception for this Muslim.
Story: PKR senator moots law to protect men from being seduced into raping women 

The vulpine photograph editors please!! Sly old ghastly wolf. Not this BS grandfatherly all’s-right-in-the-world shot. Come off it. Stop doing his PR work for him! He’s got his well-paid unprincipled keyboard warriors for that. Enough!
Story: RM1.13b transferred to Najib’s accounts between 2011 and 2013 

Even by the measure of the numerous global political dunces this man is in a class of his own. Shared with one notable other.
Story: Zahid smacks Anwar over DAP again, says will reject cooperation.

A stay of proceedings on the basis that the individual would be bankrupted and disqualified as an MP? The logic here Mr Hotshot Lawyer!
The caliber of these goons defies belief!
Story: Lawyer: Income tax demand will bankrupt Najib, disqualify him as MP 

This gargantuan thief, liar and perhaps worse too feels himself entitled to speak of morality.
Story: Sex scandals: Najib points to Dr M’s contradicting stand in 1998 and 2019

This man, this deplorable hypocrite, thief and charlatan, wants to upbraid someone for breaking promises!
Please editors! No more of these patrician poses in yr selection of photographs. They are revolting to behold.
Some understanding and insight please.
Story: Najib pans honorary ranks for Selangor MB, Malacca CM

The money trail for the cosmetic surgeries would make interesting reading too, in addition to the Chanel, the Swiss jeweller and the others. MACC & Mr Thomas, if you could!
Story: Rosmah withdraws appeal against property acquisition declaration order 

Yes, editors! This vulpine photograph that indicates the black heart of this thief and outrageous liar. We are heartily sick to death of your others on file showing the Setan straightening his tie in the lift, marching into the courtroom &etc. &etc.
Story: Najib withdraws appeal against SRC International charges

Would this man have a more base nature and morality than even Trump? And even a lower intellect?
Story: Najib defends spending RM3.36m on Swiss jewellery


Meanwhile, thoughts turn on how best to manage Lat’s visit on the weekend. The first private and secluded, much-delayed, assignation. No doubt she’ll be wearing a mask. Not a problem. On the contrary, further and added charge! Scarf and mask together with the baju we find ourselves upon the Parisienne catwalk; almost as good as full burqa. Brrrh!... Well then, air kisses the order of the day. Delicate caress and fondling. Kinda like phone sex, but in this case from adjacent positions on the bed. First there will be help with the needed documentation, the paperwork. Followed by showing of photographs on the Pad—Australie, which Lat of course dreams about. Tanah Abang, Jakarta, likely not very well known by a kampung gal; then Jogja and the recent JB. Circumspection throughout the preliminaries; no move to draw attention to the signs of excitation. (The sarong worn of course, which perhaps Lat will recognise as Sulawesi pattern.) Couldn’t be better. Possibly add some Mozart. Was Abduction from the Seraglio Wolf?

                                                                                              Singapore- Malaysia 2011-2020

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