Monday, July 1, 2019

Billboard Nation

had not put in an appearance here for quite some time. A long while. Faded pink washed out and then the Tropical sun. Legible nevertheless from an aeroplane (as Serb tradesmen used to joke in the negative for any error in their work. Ne vidi se iz aviona). Lady carrying with less than perfect conviction pushing her shopping trolley, a movement of the lips suggesting some troubling preoccupation; — thus far the morning had been less than kind to the old Duck. Not difficult here to guess purchases that have been made by wives, partners and children for their loved ones. Anyone with some true cultivated style of course elected to buy apparel strictly off-shore; elsewhere; anywhere but Singapore (and that might include anything from what passed as boutique outlet on the island). As it transpired, Teddy Bear guy who fitted the bill happened by shortly after the lady, some kind of illegible screed in this instance below the illustration. Padding along steadily, happy enough in his skin; uncomplaining; without demur; resigned of course and no bones about it. (Can the Reader imagine the logical extension for the politics?)

NB. The plate-collector at Wadi the same morning carried a brand to date not previously sighted by this Watcher. (Sweat got up well before noon.)

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