Friday, November 17, 2017

Fishing @ Grand Indo

Balik the mall after a week in Bandung. The latter’s mall nearest the station was nothing to compare to Grand Indo. Slight momentary disorientation at the landing on the third floor: Hang on a cotton picking minute, something not right here.... Check the signage on the arm of the escalator: Ya, 3rd. It was third for Gramedia, right? The East Mall... Planet double-fronted sparkling like a jewelers, like a museum, ought not be there. Lad at the tee rack giving merry thanks for the patronage to a fellow hot-footing out.... Yeah, nah, it was alright, no need fear. The bordered-up place in that corner was open now, and resplendent. Toxic glue odour during the works had been dispersed by some means or other, not the faintest trace. Right you were bud, onward, leading with the chin and taking care the schnoz was not raised overly high. Infinite compassion for the shopgirls as is your custom. The first prayer in the slum must start them going at the make-up mirror, no payment for that first hour. Onward, softening the visage as needed. Cleaning lad retrieving a lost card with his rod from an awkward corner for a nice lass fretting beside him arrested the march. Swing back look-see.... No, wasn't credit, but still, something she wanted retrieved. You Can't Touch This tantalising new lure on a case in a phone shop, new release no doubt, breath activated if not brain wired. The compassion does not extend to the shoppers I’m afraid, one does need to draw the line somewhere; nor the cleaners and the lower rung. The latter were not in need; they knew what they were about. The former?... Well, not meaning to be cruel, but that crowd was impossible to reach, even here in this country that was only recently suborned. That crowd didn't seek your cheap pity in any case, not by a long shot. Tell you to FFFF off you loser! Who do you think you are?... Aduh! Disturbed by a boy collecting a scrunched receipt the scarved ladies had left on the bench—the bin was too far for them to stretch. Almost invisible, even on the black melamine, but not to a lad with trained eye. Super no doubt a proper prick. There were hundreds, nay thousands, like him waiting in line for a chance to grab a fine uniform, pace the aircon, eat with the lipsticked lasses on the breaks. Earned his spurs and ever vigilant this chappie. Rounding off after his scoop the
sign by the escalator splitting TOTO Kitchen and erafone was spied not standing parallel and square to the glass balustrade. No good like that. One little hoof was not quite enough. Lagi. OK, that did it. Right as rain now. Off for further scouting yonder.... Going down Red Army Watches must have been newly opened too surely to god. It could not possibly have been missed on so many passes. Contemporary Putin nouveau riche & gangsters.

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