Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Zeus the Deliverer (Singapore)

Thunder and lightning shortly before six set the block aflame and rocking this morning. With the curtain unable to stretch to the end window-pane the light streaked ahead of the claps along the opposite wall like a visitation of some kind. Somehow it was a comforting and welcome wakening. Even had the tower suffered an extraordinary hit and we were all buried in the rubble there would have been little cause for lament. The French urbanist, as he calls himself, Paul Virilio, delivers in one of his books what was for him a telling anecdote concerning a space crew in orbit which fell into imminent danger at one point and needed to choose between either a burn-out crash-landing on earth, or else onward unguided flight until their reserves were exhausted. The decision in this case was made for a fiery grave on the home planet. In Singapore in the midst of these concrete towers with their narrow garden-beds and swept walk-ways—another dark foreign worker yesterday using a blower to dislodge stray leaves entangled in the bushes of a garden strip—the threatening hot spear of Zeus seemed welcome intrusion.

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