Sunday, November 4, 2012

Finest Fruits of the Region

Five tables of covered Malay gals without a protector in sight in a place on Jalan Hutton in Georgetown, Penang. Impossible to ignore on the return after lunch. A cup of tea fitting; quite sufficient to gain entry. 

            Lovely all in their own particular way.Fine array. 

Everything young is beautiful, an old teacher had suggested from her world of knowledge long ago, Peace deservedly be upon her in the place she must have long attained by now. 

Office girls most likely; not shop. A certain kind of inner light suggested. Of course you needed to proceed carefully. 

The chosen lass soon aware of the admiration without having to lift her eyes. Stabbed the chicken on her plate, hesitating to raise the fork. Something her companion said needed attention. 

Could those lips have been carrying some discreet stick that was impossible to discern?

Many of these Malays have what you would swear was a natural ruby tint from these glorious vegetables and fruits of their native habitat. Luscious tones in a definite close match. Add heat, the monsoon and associated moisture, The sign of health, vigour and elan. 

Surely the finest pencil could not follow the line of lips so perfectly. Unnatural exactitude.

Patiently waiting for the gaze to shift from her person. The open mouth, teeth, flesh of chook lying on her tongue an instant before she clamped down—like the most maddening, strip-tease. The final bite like a curtain going down on the scene. 

Following presently for curtain-bow, finally, a small, precious reward for patience and right, delicate regard. With the luncheon companion's brief look to the side, a direct gaze over a single intermediate table, smile widening that artistry of line, a gracious acknowledgement offered, chin rocking briefly but unmistakably. 

Howdeedo? Very kind.

Kafe SIMPLE on Jalan Hutton, a short distance from Tim and David’s Cherrycake Studios.

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