Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oz Day

There has been a fair lead-time to the day. From Monday the vacancy around town was noticeable. Many of the building sites had shut. Traffic on the road thinned. The footpaths and shops were empty. Even yesterday quite a few of the shops had closed early. The coast would still be full of holidaymakers. Dads who have had to return to work perhaps driving down yesterday or on the weekend for the finale with the wife and kids, before school re-starts. An extra long weekend.
            This afternoon a single car-flag spotted. (The resurgence of flags in the last 10 years coinciding with Howard’s Prime Ministership, off-shore refugee detention, Iraq & Afghanistan.) A fellow crossing the street in a green and gold sweater. On almost the last turn for home the Pet Supplies place in Ferrars Street had 3 or 4 flags out on the footpath—good for business. The pet clientele would still be largely Anglo in this city, especially for a boutique outlet in South Melbourne.
            Outside sportspeople and politicians, no one knows the words of the anthem. Not many know the significance of the historical marker, re-named Invasion Day by the indigenous people.
            …For we are young and free… Our land is girt by sea…
            ....Our beauty rich and rare...
            Let us rejoice, Advance - Australia - Fair
            In the paper this morning a report from Customs and Border Protection regarding the Christmas Island refugee boat last month which had slipped through the detection system. (Forty eight drowned.) The Shadow Minister for Immigration attacking the government for its "chaperone system" for the boat people.
            If the rain-clouds don’t spoil things, BBQ’s the order of the day tomorrow. Beside the barbie in the backyards across the nation the flag might provide the bunting draped on a tree or strung on the clothesline. 
Tennis was big on Australia Day, the TV providing a sideshow on the patio. A pity the locals aren’t up to it anymore. The TV advertising would soar if a local was placed in one of the semis. Slavs taking over now—Russians, Czechs, Serbs, Croats.
Of course a drink was an indispensable part of the day. How else to celebrate? Beer rather than wine and the other mixer drinks. Beer was tradition, the Aussie Digger thing.

            Happy Oz Day.

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