Saturday, September 7, 2024

Admissions (more or less frank)

Yan was sent off chortling yesterday lunchtime. Clearly. Little doubt it takes it outta the man more, especially longer tooth. (All those complaints even of young guys nodding off immediately after.) The old Buddhists knew what they were talking about in the spilling of seed. Marvellous squeeze nonetheless the 12-15 minutes. As before, exceedingly precious the extraction of admissions from the girl, like pulling teeth pretty much for her kind. Sweet. You ready now, Yan?… We wait sikit?… Wan suck breasts? Only answer in this instance came without verbals—direct straddling of her victim. Spoke volumes. Empty no good, right? No one like kosong… It had been 10 days? two weeks?… Former according to Yan, who always kept proper count. Empty. Might have been a first the explicit answer here. No, that was no good; not in anybody’s language. In a court of law the judge would have required the witness raise her voice, answer more clearly for the gentlemen of the jury to properly hear. So, the merry-go-round set going, squeaky tune cranking up. Filling the void; empty nullity. Little up-tempo was allowed on this occasion and not pressed by the lass. Only the one half-hearted spurt and soon desisted; almost as soon as begun. Ah! That was better, small steps in the slow dance. Sharpening. How long it had taken, how many years to comprehend Bosnian Stojan’s cheeky term? How obtuse could a literary man be. Plenty of tongue finally given by the gal too. There was little doubt, these particular darlings had been warned by their grannies about dangers. Easy to lose a good chunk of the tongue in those dangerous passages, beware! A check later showed how many messages had been exchanged in the full hour & one half while we sized up the possibility. 11:33 – 13:05. Finally, on the 26th missive, firmly decided: Ok coming up. When in fact she had been spied from the window above already turned at the near corner, in her black dress beneath the red umbrella. Some of the early birds were making for Khalid for the Friday service; on departure more returning to their flats for lunch. Utmost discretion was required. Along the walkway toward the bus stop young Nizam the Dayak (converted) with his three young sons, who were slowly being inducted into the proper path.




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