Friday, July 26, 2019

Resuscitation (Dec22)

5 & perhaps 1 1/2 later overnight, both wakings as usual like the beaching of a whale. In the midst of the turgid washing through the brain, the Etonian Bor envisioning a return to Brit. greatness. Rule Britannia once again! Rule Britannia! Delivered in an upscale version of the lager lout only partially masked. By 2050 when all the fellow’s pink flesh will have fallen from the bone the country would become the powerhouse economy of Europe. The US great! Great Britain great! Bruited by a pair of flaxen-haired trumpeters of identical form and swagger; the latter a big fan of Churchill. Thank the bleeding Jesus the pile-drivers on Onan corner did not start up until later in the morning! Three days now almost unceasingly on a small allotment, perhaps concerned about the rising sea level on reclaimed East Coast, a couple of kilometres down. Theresa like Hillary did the massaging more artfully and with greater refinement. In some ways it was preferable to get the more naked cartooned productions. Some counter-reaction might be provoked, possibly.

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