Saturday, November 18, 2017

Blown Away

First drops climbing the stairs at Thambrin, followed by an unexpected pause and then wind. What passes for wind at least. Five and more years back one recalled a time seeking the term in bahasa. Sun, rain, heat had been acquired; wind was logically next. It took quite some while; and what was with those looks of bemusement on the faces? that long-faced angling?... Well, there was basically no wind on the equator, certainly nothing worthy of the name. An entirely abstruse question... In Sing the strongest breezes were generated by the fans mounted on the pillars over the famed five foot walkways. Were a chap caught at the head of a row of these he might jump to very much the wrong conclusion. How the real thing was missed! Strange but 'twas true. Did the blows exist perchance before the forests were uprooted and the concrete cover? One felt less a dolt now too over the errors reading the sky, where timing was concerned. Here the young barefoot ojek payungs with their umbrellas had come out prematurely. Thambrin usually offered rich pickings from all the shoppers with expensive baju and hair. Lads might be unlucky today, cloud actually blowing over and nothing to show for it. Such handsome items again held aloft by suchlike as them, nothing whatever of that disposable variety after a single use. Capacious, all bright colours and strong wires. Lads of course don't mind getting drowned themselves, you often see them tiptoeing unblinking through the deluge behind the shrinking ladies shielding themselves. One little baby by Lotteria might still have worn diapers.

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