Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bob and a Sweet Tamil Song

Bob winning the big one few weeks back—awarded just the other day in Stockholm in absentia—generated some discussion with friends down in the Great Southern Land. One lad had memorably breathed Bob’s air in an elevator in the Hilton hotel on one of his tours Downunder, the number of floors traveled in the august company forgotten now.
— But you didn’t say anything George? What! Not even Hallo, welcome to Melbourne….
(No intention to big-note, but this Scribe did manage a gallantry for Kiri Te Kanawa on the steps of the State Library in Melbourne following a choir of Maori voices within inaugurating a touring exhibition of artefacts at the then shared Museum. How much more glorious that had been than any formal recitation!)
…. Literature?/Not literature? Electric/Golden/Acoustic &etc. 
Coming after the depths of Alexievich made it rather hard to swallow for a hard-bitten Lit. man resistant to all forms of industrial production.
Anyhow, after a review recently the following rescued from the Draft file:

….Yeah, well, i got a fave current too, great little Tamil thing carrying awesome beat. After 4-5 weeks of it coming on fr the music store a few doors from my Indian brekkie place, i'm totally hooked. Knew it was love of one sort or another, sort of. Youtube suggests gal keeps a fave laying hen that the boy pretend-steals possibly. There might be a loud rooster of hers too keeping him awake that she hasta Shushhhh!... No movie sequence. In this case stills from the movie are dealt like cards that follow the wonderful beat: Bam Bam, Bam. Flick, Flick, Flick. She keeps the birds in a tall segmented cage with a thatched roof. Finger-crossing lips, — Shush. Her brand of hair oil—probably neem organic—gives wonderful lustre. (After quite a few years combing through the Indian stores there has been some insight attained.) Delightful unadorned beauty otherwise. When we were young pretenders a cousin in Montenegro had memorably dismissed such gals as seljacka ljepota, village beauties. Well, we know better now. This one even Donald in his younger days in the back-lot might not have grabbed by the pussy. Ah! The mustachioed lad here was made for her. You could see the fine character in both simply from the stills. No wife-beating, drinking and probably no unfaithfulness either in store for this union. Old Babi used to say of a particularly good, capable wife, Napravila covjeka, Made a man of him. If you beg me I'll give you the title. Attracted 2mil+ hits by the way. Beaut stuff.

NB. Titled Ei suhali. Give it a spin

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