Sunday, July 3, 2016

Celebration Nigh

Malls full throughout, people leaning along the walls of the corridors soaking up the freeze. The rich coffee tones of the carters at the street stalls had deepened some more, t-shirt competitions galore. Era's Batam pal, little stunted barrel flashing a smile in passing thought he wouldn't be recognized. In the handshake that followed when he was pulled up a suggestion of a deformed pinkie. Possibly just the bird-nest scale of bones. Chap had got himself the full month's work; Era went back after ten days, only able to scrounge hours here and there at something out at Tampines. Nene-grandma on a four-pronged walker with deep pockets in her dress. Woman has noticeably aged and slowed in these five years. A coin at one table, two dollars at another gran's table 7 or 8 years her junior. One of the younger mums in front came to chase her down with an offering; the oldie did not linger long with her hand out. A maid she looked with her two teen charges and kong-kong at table waved her on. For the mat salleh pointed avoidance, giving the chair a wide berth and walking on without slightest pause. The tee with the full Arabic alphabet from the Islamic Museum at KL prompted her not a jot. (Before other eyes that item could be a show-stopper and one half.) Earlier the Haig Loner was given a one and a couple of minutes earlier there at the market the Hindu lad selling the socks, belts and wallets another. This time for some reason lad had come out on an eleven day visa, raising suspicions at the immigration desk no doubt. A couple of sympathetic parties for the "Solo Aid" call-out. Some kind of better Hari Raya / Lebaran will be in-store for them in central Java.

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