Thursday, April 28, 2016

Look Away

Three chaps need avoiding along the stretch behind the market up to Dor’s place in Block 2. When any of them are caught ambulant all pass muster A-OK, hail-fellow-well-met per the text book. Motionless on their perch however, altogether a different matter—sitting ducks unexpectedly make you start and quickly whiplash look the other way. Short tubby old Chinaman possibly another Eurasian; mid-seventies slowing-down and widowed likely, late night parking himself on a bench in the breezy passage opposite the lifts at Block 9. Nine iron benches in three irregular rows some planner’s idea of community meeting-place for maintaining the gotong royong spirit. Usually head flung back, mouth-agape, transistor on the seat beside him with new batteries sending the old Chiang Kai Shek lounge numbers blaring from the echoing bunker. Back to the passage not difficult slipping by, tip-toe reflex unnecessary…Likewise Bicycle Loner can be avoided on his bench that fronts the exercise yard by the path to Katong, good sight-lines either side provide ample warning. Unlocked bike on the path awaits like a grazing horse for re-supply of the Anchors that start mid-morning and halve the dark of night. Easily passed. Another Indian-Malay like Biker—the pair not surprisingly taking care to put distance between themselves. This chap taller, not entirely friendless in his case and occasionally finding place at the Haig or Al Waditables. Talk is under sufferance a sister with family provides shelter and possibly food; never begging (drink undoes the other); likely slipped something along the paths in the usual way here. Once or twice the chap has accepted a tea. You want to spend me?... A wit and quick on the up-take, heavy copper mask alight with boyish grin. In various corners around the blocks this chap can be found late afternoons and into the night sitting and smoking—on the stairs of the electricity exchange by Block 6; down on one of the decks; and late night at the playground on one of the low coloured seats swinging slowly round in circles.

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